5 Tips to Take Your Performance to the Next Level

Being a high performer has many benefits, some of which include having more energy, confidence and creativity; having self-efficacy; and getting more recognition that can lead to more promotional opportunities.  It is a personal responsibility to own your performance, and all that it entails.  Making the commitment and being determined to be a high-performer is the start; here are some ways that will help you get there:  

  • Self-assess: this is key to understanding your work style(s), your communication patterns, your motivations, as well as your SKA’s; all of these will help you to know if you are working from the higher plane that involve them
  • Take responsibility for your performance: show up everyday and in ‘your best’ mode, which entails not just your skill-set but your attitude
  • Push past obstacles: this can include fears, insecurities, resources or people; these obstacles can be outward or inward so it is important to challenge them and knock them out of the way
  • Work on your development, both personally and professionally: growing means not staying where you are so it is imperative to move forward.  Read books or magazines, read uplifting stories, attend professional meetings and get surrounded by successful people; pursue your passions, i.e. writing, cooking, exercise, dancing, art, volunteering, etc. as it will make you feel good
  • Be enthusiastic: high performers are excited about their work because they focus on their intrinsic needs and motivations; they find ways to be fully engaged in their work and in using their skills and abilities to get the work done and they know how it will benefit the organization

Your performance is up to you so make the commitment today.  Your career and your life depends on it!

Your Weekly Action Plan     First, make the decision to that you will be a high performer in all aspects of your life. Choose one of the steps above and work only on the step until you have a plan and are confident in that area; then, move on to the next one and the next until you have the necessary plan and mindset and go do your best work.

 I hope you have a successful week – If you need help gaining clarity on your business or career goals, or in developing your action plan, why not get some help – stop the struggle and call today to get started!

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