If you feel like life has become predictable, unfulfilling, and boring, maybe it’s time for a fresh start. Perhaps you hate your job or feel too many pressures from life. Or you might be feeling you need a change but can’t put a name to what that means.
Essentially, you feel you are in a rut; it’s like groundhog day every day…the same old, same old. You realize that something needs to change but don’t know where to start. If this sounds familiar in some form or fashion, there is good news and hope.
Deciding to make a change doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside down or go big, but it is an opportunity to stand back and revise your current way of life.
Whether it’s a lifestyle, location, or career change, there are some simple things you can do right now to get out of that rut and get some positive energy back into your life. It only starts with one step that can lead to another and so on.
Here are 5 steps you can take now that can lead to accepting change(s) and make a positive difference:
- Work out What Makes You Happy
Have you ever sat down and ruminated about what makes you happy? What lifts your spirits and puts a spring in your step? What makes your heart sing and your energy levels skyrocket?
Some people feel happiest out in nature, while others prefer sports or reading. Maybe you love the arts, dancing (mine) or helping people (also mine). Your pet, spending time with friends or family, or traveling might do it. Make a list of what makes you happy and take action so you can focus on bringing more joy into your life.
2. Practice Saying Yes
Most people are so busy with the everyday life that they don’t make time to get out of their comfort zone and do something different. When was the last time you tried something new or challenging? Be bold and do one thing on your bucket list before it’s too late. The point is to be open to new experiences and start saying yes to yourself, and choose to do things that feel good.
3..Make a Stop Doing List
Once you start saying yes to the things that feel good, you need to practice saying no. You need a stop doing list (or a jar where you put money in every time you don’t say no).
You’re probably well aware of the bad habits you’ve fallen into and the things you do that don’t bring you joy. While there are some things you have no control over, see what energy-draining tasks you can eliminate from your life. Write a list to remind yourself of the things you can choose not to do, and free up time for the things that make your heart soar.
4. Declutter
Most people have way too much stuff in their lives. Look around you right now and see what’s holding you back. Clutter includes spending hours scrolling through social media, limiting beliefs, toxic relationships, and bad lifestyle habits as well as all that junk in the kitchen drawer or your closets.
Clutter leads to overwhelm and anxiety so decluttering will bring relief and serenity, not to mention more emotional energy to focus on those interests that bring you joy.
5. Say No to Fear
Perhaps the single most empowering thing you can do to get out of a rut is to walk away from fear. Fear will stop you from taking risks, big or small. It makes you too afraid to try anything new and holds you back from reaching your potential.
Challenge any fear(s) you hold onto and then reframe them. By doing this, you will act more from a positive and empowered sense of self. Look at the benefits you will get from the change to ease into making it/them. Reflect back on past times when change was involved and how well those turned out so fear of making any won’t prevent you from doing so again.
You don’t have to suffer from the lifestyle you desire, no matter what area this encompasses. Begin using these five steps and make a commitment to yourself to take back control of your life and leap into a fresh start. With time and consistency, you will be saying “rut be gone!”
“When we are stuck in a rut we are being invited to grow and expand.”
― Dana Arcuri (n,d,)
Are you feeling in a rut? Life has you stuck and you’re not sure what to do? We can help – reach out today to stop the struggle and live the life you desire.