Managing Emotions at Work
Managing emotions in the workplace can be difficult, especially considering our current economic and job conditions. While working from home originally sounded ideal, many workers are now finding themselves feeling isolated and disconnected. Zoom meetings are tiring; performance and motivation are not as high when being in the same routine.
As humans, we crave connections with others – these days, on-camera is not cutting it. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, among other emotions.
Dealing with emotions and moods is as important as actual decisions made. If you as the leader, or your employees, are struggling to deal with the pandemic crisis and job stress, here are some ways to contain anxieties and feel safe (C. Sandler):
1. Take quick and considered action – make clear the problems that are a top priority even though time might be required to fix them. Procrastination is a form of anxiety and can lead to further problems if left undone; taking quick action, ala ‘eat the frog, will move you forward and overcome any fears you may have about tasks needed to be completed. Set the tone for your people by communicating the goals so they are know what needs to be done and get to them.
2. Communicate honestly and consistently – stay calm, don’t get cross, repeat the message even when asked the same question over and over. You may believe that your message is getting across but everyone interprets what is heard differently. Ensure that your messages are being received the same way; the practice of ‘Mirroring’ will help – have them repeat what they heard to see how they match; you will either affirm or can then clarify the message.
3. Make an emotional connection with everyone – with people working in isolation, connects with their supervisor is highly desired by workers and is needed to give direction and feeling appreciated. Find out how they are doing, what is going on in their life, and how you can help them in their work. Also, make sure your people are kept in the loop about current happenings in the organization to keep them connected and engaged.
4. Be sure to inspire – make and keep a positive connection with everyone; make temperament and character part of your confidence-boosting contributions. Send out kudos or positive affirmation, or positive news about how the organization is doing, such as through a newsletter, to inspire them to continue working at the pace you need them to be.
The pandemic conditions won’t last forever. Using these steps as a guideline will help you lead your people through these tough times and gain loyalty, trust, and high performers, all of which makes for a successful organization.
Coaching for leaders is a great way to keep them leading strong – call today if you’d like to rev up your leadership mindset and skills. We’re here for you!