It’s Time to Choose a Word/Theme to Set the Tone for the New Year

As I do every year, it’s that time to select a word or theme for how you want to live this year; doing so helps to refine and focus how we want our life to go. This can apply to your personal life, your career, or any other area that you would like to move forward on.

In the past, I’ve had ‘Carpe Deiem” as my theme, which means ‘seize the day;’ others have included ‘focus’ and ‘freedom.’ This year, my theme is taken from Nike: “Just Do It!” I need to remind myself not to focus on the how and to keep my eye on the prize, as they say, and just do the work that needs done. I have placed this on a small easel I found so I am reminded of this phrase. So far, I’m ‘doing it!.’

Look at a word or phrase that keeps coming up for you; here are some examples to helps:

  • for your home: purge, simplify, cleanse
  • for your relationships: love, honor, closeness, respect, boundaries
  • for your mental clarity: great ideas, peace, gratitude, confidence, honor myself
  • for your career/business: focus, money come easily to me, connections, workplace happiness
  • for you relationship with money: abundance, savings, no more debt, freedom

I think you get the idea; see what you can expand on in these areas, which you may have more than I’ve listed. The point is, we need to find ways to keep motivated on the goals and outcomes we’ve set – choosing a word or theme is a great way to meet these. As an add-on, make a picture or visual representation of what you came up; it’s a great way to have more motivation. What theme have you come up with?

If you’d like help in gaining clarity in your life or career, contact us today and let’s chat.

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