You Have the Skills – But Do You Have the Right Mindset?
This week’s focus has been on up-leveling your leadership skills; I hope you took the assessment shared in the last article.
Having skills is needed as a leader but, what’s more important, is having the right mindset that will bring those skills to their fullest. How you see yourself is what brings the confidence to lead.
This is not to suggest allowing ego to take over but coming from a place of empathy, inspiration, and servitude. Mindset relates to positive thinking and being open to new experiences and opportunities.
Having the right mindset leads to mental acuity, creativity, decision-making abilities – all needed in your role as a leader – while seeking out connections with others, such as your team or coworkers.
Having a good mindset starts with determining to think more positively while having ways to deal with situations that are not. A good mindset does not entertain fear and uncertainty and looks at them as challenges rather than liabilities and roadblocks.
Changing mindset is not easy, especially if you tend to stay in the negative side. But the more consistent you are with your practices and commitment to change, it will happen so you have lasting results.
The assessment you took is a great place to start and build off of. Take time each day to assess your mindset; you can give a rating to how you feel in the morning (i.e. 1-5) and then again at the end of the day. This can show progress as a motivator to keep going. Write down your successes as this is a great way to prime your brain to focus on positive experiences (and leads to increased self-esteem and confidence).
Affirmations are a great way to turn mindset around, starting the day on a positive note and ending the day fulfilled; saying an affirmation before bed is subliminal. As habits can take from 60 days to a year to be ingrained, starting with small steps and consistency of these actions, will bring lasting habits.
Here is a great affirmation to start:
“How others view me is a direct reflection of how I view myself. I hold my head high and speak with clarity and confidence.”
(Daniel Goleman)
Being an effective leader is more than skills – you must have the mindset, also. Commit to the process and see yourself as the leader you desire to be.
If you’re wanting more support to think like a leader, reach out to learn more.